Tamper Proof Music (est. 2019)

Offshore Bitcoin Traders & Award-winning Taxidermists

Dirk Whoudkok and Dink Pinkerman are finally taking their lucrative partnerships skills into their mutual passion and lifelong love of underground American Music.

Announcing Tamper Proof Music!

Stay tuned for their debut of unheralded but essential music offerings from right here in Boston’s own fetid field of power pop punkster participants.

The Neighborhoods

Their first signing on the TPM roster should prove irrational and controversial but these accusations will not deter the shared goals and vision of Dirk and Dink.

Says Dink, “It seems a shame that this music guilty of such missed opportunities can’t have its historical clearinghouse in this digital age!”

Dirk concurs, “There are so many cases of rock bands in the Woulda—Coulda—Shoulda categories, doesn’t mean the music sucks, or does it?”

Let’s let the World decide such agonizing quandaries and claim their sonic stances ad nauseum!

Stay tuned first release to be announced Soonly